SS Config General Options Tab

Use the General Options tab of Self-Service Configuration to make some basic decisions about how the Self-Service module works.

The general options include how text and numbers are formatted, whether employees can roll over benefit elections and update current and pending direct deposit accounts, and what information is included on the Total Comp/Benefits Statement screen.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Text Format

Use this drop-down list to determine how text entries are formatted:

  • No Formatting — Text fields are saved exactly as employees enter them.
  • Uppercase — Text fields are converted to uppercase when they are saved.
  • Proper Case — Text fields are converted to proper case, with the first letter of each word capitalized, when they are saved.
Phone Format

Select an option to determine how phone numbers must be entered on the Address/Telephone, Emergency Contacts, and Dependents/Beneficiaries screens. The Phone Format field works in conjunction with the Format Edit field on the Application Options tab.

  • No Formatting
  • (000) 000-0000
  • 000-000-0000
  • 000.000.0000
  • 000/000-0000
Postal Format

Select an option to determine how postal codes must be entered on the Address/Telephone, Emergency Contacts, and Dependents/Beneficiaries screens. The Postal Format field works in conjunction with the Format Edit field on the Application Options tab.

  • No Formatting
  • 00000
  • 00000-0000

Benefits Enrollment

Field Description
Allow Rollover Capability

Select this check box to allow employees to carry over their current benefit elections to the next year without changing them.

When you select Allow Rollover Capability, a check box appears next to each benefit listed on the Current Elections screen. When an employee selects a check box, the associated benefits are carried over to the next year.

Direct Deposit

Field Description
Allow Update of Current Accounts

Select this check box to allow employees to make updates to current direct deposit account information. Current accounts are bank accounts that are currently in use.

Allow Updates of Pending Accounts

Select this check box to allow employees to make updates to pending account information. An account is pending if an employee has made changes that have not yet been accepted The pending information will replace the current information when your company administrator runs the Activate Pending Employee Bank Info utility in Costpoint.

Total Comp/Benefits

Use these check boxes to determine which tables will display on the Total Comp/Benefits Statement screen.

Field Description
Show Total Compensation Summary

Select this check box to display the Total Compensation Summary on the Total Comp/Benefits Statement screen. This table displays estimates of the employee's annual compensation amounts, based on the employee's current annual salary, benefit elections, and leave accrual rates.

Show Benefit Elections

Select this check box to display Benefit Elections in the Total Comp/Benefits Statement screen. This table displays the employee's benefit elections and their cost to the employee and company.